Care advice for your hearing aids in the hot weather

Care advice for your hearing aids in the hot weather

A very hot and humid Summer has meant at times it has been really difficult to keep cool. We have put together some helpful tips on how to care for your hearing devices in hot weather.

Keep them clean
Hot weather means we perspire more so try to keep your hearing aids as dry as possible. If you do sweat extensively try and wipe your hearing aids often and particularly at the end of the day before you put them away. It is a good idea to change your filters or wax guards more regularly.

Keep them dry
If your hearing aids get wet from perspiration or if you get caught out in a down pour we recommend using a drying pot and capsules or an electric dryer which you can leave your hearing aids in overnight. Please contact us if you would like details on drying products.

When swimming
It may sound silly but you can easily forget you are wearing your hearing aids before venturing into the sea or a swimming pool. Don't worry if you do get your hearing aids wet. Make sure you remove the battery straight away and let the hearing aid dry out. Don't try and turn the hearing aid on until you are confident the hearing aid has dried out (contact us if unsure). After showering and bathing make sure you are fully dry before putting your hearing aids back on to avoid the chance of water getting into the device.

Make sure you know where they are
If you do take your hearing aids off make sure you remember where you put them. Try and keep them in a secure place like a carry box and not loose in a bag.

Don't get sunscreen or sand on them
If you are out in the sun and using sunscreen make sure you remove your hearing aids before applying lotion. Suntan lotion and sand will clog the microphones, receivers and filters.

Avoid sweat
If you do suffer with excessive perspiration think about removing your hearing aids before activities where you get hot. Perspiration can seep into the microphone ports, tubing and wires leading to possible malfunctions so it is important to try and keep them moisture free. If you wear a behind-the-ear hearing aid you can look to use a product such as Ear Gear which act like a mini sweat band for your hearing aids.

If you do have any problems please let us know and we will help resolve any issues that you are having.


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